06 May 2011

Ms. New Booty

By Jordan Farless

“I found you Ms. New Booty” most people today who are up to date with modern music most certainly are familiar with this catchy tune by Bubba Sparxxx. If you are now singing the rest of the song in your head thinking back to when it was number one on the charts do me a favor and think a little harder about what this song is actually saying, and if you still don’t see the picture Bubba sparxxx is painting then check out the music video and it will be very clear. The music video for Ms. New Booty exemplifies the stereotype that women must look and act like bimbos to get any attention in our society.

This music video forces women to strive to look the part and have all the rite features that a modern “sexy” woman should have. The entire video is an infomercial that is selling a product that will instantaneously transform their flat rear end into a bootylicious badonkadonk that will make men walk up to them and ask if they are wearing cantaloupes in their jeans. That statement summarizes the attitude of this video, and it sends a message out to women making them think that the only way for them to get any attention is to have amazing assets that make men do a double take every time they see them walk by. This takes the stereotype to another level. Now they don’t have to look just good, they have to look perfect, but not perfect in their eyes perfect in a man’s eyes.

Ms. New Booty makes it seem as though a women’s only role in society is to look attractive to their male counterpart. This is made apparent throughout the video. For instance there are only females in the audience and every single one of their faces light up like its Christmas when they witness Ms. New Booty in action. They all look like they found a golden ticket to any man they want all because they are portraying their roll in this stereotype perfectly. It’s also apparent that they are playing their roll by looking at the clothes they are wearing, or lack of clothes they are wearing I should say. Every girl is wearing tiny booty shorts and revealing tops which shows that they are showing off and are trying to impress all the men around them. If they weren’t conforming to the stereotype then they would dress comfortably and not stress over the fact that their booty isn’t the biggest and would force men to focus more on personality, but that’s just not the world we live in.

The world we live in puts men on a higher step of the social latter. This is true simply because women are the ones who dress up and try to impress men, sure men make fools out of themselves trying to get the girl but it’s still the women who wake up early every day to put on makeup and straighten their hair and pluck their eyebrows. In the end it might be the guy who hits on the girl but it’s really the girls doing all the work to get the men to hit on them, and this video confirms it by showing how women are supposed to do whatever it takes to become attractive just so men will take that step to hit on them. Even if it means buying a product that will make their rear grow cantaloupes where their cheeks used to be.

Bubba Sparxxx might have been trying to be humorous when he made this video but when you sit down and actually think about what the message is that it’s sending it’s easy to see that he was right on point. Women really must act like bimbos just to get attention in our modern society. We live in a man’s world there is no doubt about it.


  1. jordan you did a good job explaining the relation to men and women in this video that women are supposeed to be perfect for men to begin to look at them and if having bog booties is what they want wmen supposedly will try what ever they can to achieve that

  2. Chris Quock

    Its weird how some woman do try to achieve this perfect image that men want. Its as if they bring it upon themselves because some of them do try to achieve this. They embarass themselves at the lengths they will go to for perfection. You did a good job at explain how this tied the relationships betwen men and women.
