By Willis Nelson
Banksy is a well-known graffiti artist from Bristol, UK whose artwork is found in large cities all over the world such as London and San Francisco. Most of Banksy’s art not in a museum but stenciled on city walls during the night. Hiding behind his hoodie, Banksy keeps his true identity disguised. Most call it art, although some call it vandalism. Banksy is a voice for those who are afraid to express their own.
Banksy’s painting of the Muslim woman in a Burka expresses ironic symbols to its viewers. The idea of a woman’s role in today’s world is different in American society than in a Muslim society. To be both sexual and hot, while being chaste and modest. The norm of women in American society is what the apron expresses, sexy and hot. The Burka is the Muslim woman, modest and innocent. Men want their wives to wear sexy clothes and show skin while they are at home and have the woman to them selves, but when she leaves the house, he wants her to be covered and innocent. The norm and stereotype in both societies conveys that not only does the woman need to provide sex and pleasure, but also needs to provide food.
Banksy ironically questions another female stereotype: that they are to cook and serve men. She holds a pan with fried eggs as an offering, while gripping a metal spatula. Both of the women to be viewed are presented as erotic objects to be owned and consumed by their male partners. There is this sense that women are servants to the men. The food is in a pan and not a plate to reveal that the food is for someone else rather than for herself. The Burka represents Muslim society’s strict and conservative life, while the apron represents American lifestyle is free and open. The painting proclaims conflicting demands on women to be sexually open and to be modest and domestic.
Banksy is saying that any women, regardless of where they are from, can be tough and strong. The woman’s face in the painting asserts an aggressive gaze showing that she is confident and tough. Her stance portrays a defiance attitude, almost saying, “Don’t fuck with me.” She has a face that represents masculine confidence and even violence. Although she is female she expresses masculine traits. Standing up for woman and letting society know that nevertheless she is a woman cooking and having sex, she will put up a fight and be aggressive. Recently, women have been making their way to the top in society. They have all the same rights as men, same opportunities to be successful in life. Woman can be whom they want, masculine or feminine, strong or gentle, cook or work.
This painting is no joke. The gold frame supporting the painting concludes that this matter should be taken seriously. Women can choose to be sexual and have all the rights to be tough. They won’t be prospected to be slaves or cooks. The strong bold frame will give viewers no choice but to take the painting as a significant and important concept that represents the face of the change in the stereotypical view of woman. Hanging next to the Hijab painting is a confident portrait of an 18th-century man. Is this there to create irony or is it coincidence? It helps the viewer compare traditional life of men and women compared to the modern life and society of men and women.
There are multiple reasons his art is popular, specifically because he captures the seemingly simple ideas and uses simple imagery to display it to the public. Some find it uncomfortable. If it does this, give a smile and an uncomfortable laugh but consider the genius behind the imagery and irony.
Banksy's dope, im familiar with his work, I saw exit through the gift shop. I been taggin up crazy since.